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How to convert IIterationHandle into IIteration using Java server API

I am working on custom extension for work item(participant), I want to get value of Planned For attribute.
IIterationHandle plannedForHandle = workItem.getTarget();
I can get IIterationHandle using above method. But I am unable to convert IIterationHandle into IIteration.
I tried using below API, but id did not worked because I could not get ItemProfile for IIteration.
wis.getAuditableCommon().resolveAuditable(IAuditableHandle, ItemProfile<T>, IProgressMonitor)
I found the link - https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/handling-iterations-automation-for-the-planned-for-attribute/ where I found the code to get IIteration from IIterationHandle,
IFetchResult result = getTeamRepository().itemManager().fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware(handles,
IItemManager.REFRESH, getProgressMonitor());
return (IIteration) result.getRetrievedItems().get(0);
IFetchResult is common API, but ITeamRepository, IItemManager are client API, I am unable to figure out how to convert IIterationHandle to IIteration.
vikrant kamble
Sep 07 '17, 11:09 a.m.Edited the question, previous question could have been misleading as I did not specified i wanted to use server API.