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RTC - GIT: Error 500 Cloning via eclipse

Alberto Teodoro (6632638) | asked Jul 27 '17, 7:16 a.m.

Hi all,
I have problem when I use egit for cloning a Repo integrated with RTC with NodeJs web Server.
If I clone by command line, the Clone operation works fine: instead, if I use git in eclipse I receive Error 500.
The git eclipse Clone operation works fine with other GIT Repos, not integrated with RTC, based on apache.
Please, let me know, if someone, with CLM 6.0.2 and GIT integrated using NodeJs, was able to use eclipse (Luna, Mars or Oxigen) plugin git (egit) for cloning a Repo.
Many thanks

Alberto Teodoro commented Jul 28 '17, 4:49 a.m.

Please, if the clone with egit works fine for someone, can someone say me what version of eclipse has used for?
Many thanks

Donald Nong commented Jul 28 '17, 6:28 a.m.

I have a client who faces similar issues. It seems that when using Node.js in the RTC/Git integration, there are some problems with transferring large files (>100MB), and the cause seems to be within Node.js. We haven't found any solutions so far.

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