RTC and GIT integration using Nodejs: authentication LDAP
Hi all,
Accepted answer
Hi Alberto
Hi Shubjit,
- if I connect via browser typing http://server01v.rete.test/git/almsvil/rtcgit.git I receive a blank page without any login prompt;
- if I connect via browser typing http://server01v.rete.test/git/almsvil I have the login prompt; after my authentication I receive a blank page saying "Unauthorized".
Hi Alberto
- when I type the correct address, I can promt with my data login, but I receive the following message: "CRRTC8814E: You are not authorized to perform that Git operation.";
- instead, when I type an incorrect address (i.e. for a git repo not existing http://server01v.rete.test/git/notexisting.git), I can promt with my data login, and I receive the white page ...
Hi Alberto
Hi Shubjit,,
I've understood that also username is case sensitive and so I have to type exactly as it is stored for the attribute sAMAccountName in AD. In my case is all capitolized.
2 questions:
1) now I've the problem, from the browser, when I type http://server01v.rete.test/almsvil/rtcgit.git: I can't find the git repo; when I have my authorization, I receive the response "file not found"; in my config.json I've the following properties:
"Git-Repositories-Root-Dir": "/dati/git/almsvil/"
"Git-URL-Prefixes": {
"/git/almsvil": {
2) So, the authorization is made by LDAP, but only if the user is member of the RTC Project? I've right understood?Many thanks HShubjit,
Hi Shubjit,
I think I've understand my new issue.
I have to set correctly the path of the property "Git-Repositories-Root-Dir", in Linux file system mode.
I've no example: the only example at https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RTCGitIntegrationSetupUsingNode is for Window file system.
The property value "/git" in "Git-URL-Prefixes", for me, it needs to make the http address with a virtul host. So it "masks" in the url, my real physical address.
If you have an example for the property "Git-Repositories-Root-Dir", please, can you send me?
Many thanks
Hi Alberto
Hi Shubjit,
Yes, I'm able to register it, also if I receive the warning that the URI can't be find.
Now I've created a git repo into /dati/git and I've updated the config.json
I've done the steps done in the example https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RTCGitIntegrationSetupUsingNode for the creation of the git repo.
The only difference that I can find, it's that in the example the git repo master is set up on a windows system, so the property "Git-Repositories-Root-Dir" has a absolute path with the C: root.
If you have Nodejs on Linux, can you check for me the absolute path set in your "Git-Repositories-Root-Dir"? I have "/dat/git", where only git and subfolder belong to user git.
When I used with apache, the path worked properly.
Many thanks
Hi Alberto
Hi Shubjit,
finally it worked.
I was able to do the "commit" and then the "push" to the master, linking to a RTC WI.
I've always the error for the file not found in the browser, after the authentication.
So! The absolute path was correct.
I've tried in the same server, because I've used for the cloning repo the same git version 2.11.1: my git version in my pc client is a previous version one (2.10.0.windows.1) and so I think it's not suitable for the commit and push operation with a server at a upper version.
Many many thanks
Ciao and good nigth
Great, thanks for the update Alberto.
One other answer
Hi Alberto