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[RPE] How to get title or body from linked artifact of Collection or Module

Danusa Ribeiro (869) | asked Jul 25 '17, 4:18 p.m.

 Hi Guys,

I'm trying customizing some reports on RPE but I don't know what to do. I tried everything!!!

So, I have a module. Link here.

I get this module in RPE. Link here

I have this word document generated by RPE. 

My problem is: I wanna the title from linked artifacts. When I added an existent artifact on module I just have the content of the artifact. (Someone knows any way to add the title instead the body?)

I wanna this


One answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jul 26 '17, 3:01 a.m.

To print the title/body of linked artifacts, you need to dynamically configure the data source for linked resources. dataSource/artifact/traceability/links/Link/relation will give the href for the linked artifacts. Then using the new data source (resources), you can print its title (dataSource/artifact/title).
You my refer the sample template. You can remove the condition (ex. title == "Satisfied By") so that all linked artifacts are printed.

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