Configuring LDAP - Settings for multi branch
Hi all,
Due to our AD guy being out of the office I am trying to solve the LDAP connection for CLM.
So changes where made to our AD to separate Employees, Contractors, External partners.
Currently I am having problems in configuring the CLM to be able to read from both branches of the AD. The structure we have is something like:
DC=Company Domain
Data CentresSo what I need to do is supply the LDAP settings in order to get the user details from 'External' and all those which we currently pull from 'Regions'.
Any assistance would be appreciated
One answer
You need to set the search base at the DC level, as this is the common DN for both branches. As you will pull in way more users than necessary, you will need to find some clever ways to construct the search filter. For example, is there any LDAP attribute that indicates the LDAP user is a CLM user? If so, use it.