Unable to fetch few project area details using REST
Hello Team,
I am trying to fetch the project area details using REST calls.
For example,
Project area name, summary , description etc..
But I could not able to fetch the below details,
Process sharing status (i.e. whether PA sharing its process template or its a slave or its independent)
Process template id.
Please let me know how to get the above mentioned data.
Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer
I doubt that either the OSLC or reportable REST API is designed to provide such information. Your best bet will be use the internal /ccm/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/projectAreaByUUIDWithLimitedMembers service to retrieve such information. This is the service being called when you open the Manage Project Area page in the web.
If a project area is providing its process configuration to others, you will see "internalIsProcessProvider: true".
If a project is inherited process configuration from another project area, you will see a processProviderDTO object, which contains the information of the master project area.
In the processDTO object, you will find the UUID (itemId) of the process template that the project area is initialized from. You can then follow the URI /ccm/process/templates/<UUID> to find out the details of the process template.
ast java
Jul 18 '17, 1:59 a.m.Hello,
Is there any update on this question?
Because I had seen some other posts that its not possible to get process template id of a project area using PA related REST calls. Even I had checked it and its not giving the process template id.
I had tried using history of PA and found the process template name. But that can be duplicate as well. So it's not helping me.
I just wanna know any other way to get the process template id of a Project area.
Please let me know if its possible.