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JTS Migration for RELM (v5.0 -> v5.0.1) fails due to CRJAZ0201I

Shinji Kanai (591014) | asked Sep 17 '14, 3:12 a.m.
retagged Sep 17 '14, 8:52 a.m. by Laura W. Hinson (16126)

I have a RELM/LQE v5.0 configured with WAS/Derby in a single JTS, no other Jazz apps share the same JTS. I was upgrading this instance to v5.0.1 and noticed that jts_upgrade.bat failed with "the syntax of the command is incorrect" error, which seems to be caused by CRJAZ0201I. repotools-jts_upgradeWarehouse.log shows the following error:

2014-09-17 16:10:13,767 CRJAZ0201I The extension reader with plugin id "LicenseKeyExtensionRegistry@2aa42aa4, pluginId="", extensionPointId="licenseActivationKeys", started=<true>" failed to add an extension to the extension point "" with the plugin id "".
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CRJAZ0939I The activation key could not be found locally at "@rha_dm_reviewer@" and it does not appear to be a URL to a resource.

Why is it looking for rha_dm_reviewer license? According to here, Rhapsody Reviewer License should no longer exist.... and actually it is not found either in trial licenses that comes with SSE 5.0/5.0.1 installer. Does anyone have any idea or suggestion as to how I should solve the error?

Thank you in advance!


Accepted answer

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k24348) | answered Oct 30 '14, 7:28 a.m.
Restarting from step 3 will not work - the error is actually in step 3.
To circumvent - edit the script "app_upgrade.bat"
in step 3 after the label add
set APP_ID_FILE=""

see this workitem for details.
Shinji Kanai selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Shinji Kanai (591014) | answered Sep 18 '14, 8:46 a.m.
Error "the syntax of the command is incorrect"  seems caused by Line987 in app_upgrade.bat

Line986: ) else if %UPGRADED_APP% == rm (
Line987:  if NOT EXIST %APP_ID_FILE% (
Line988:  set STEP_ERROR=3

I will assign "dummy" to APP_ID_FILE for non-rm upgrade and see how it goes. Thanks. 

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Shinji Kanai (591014) | answered Sep 24 '14, 6:41 p.m.
Or, simply re-run jts_upgrade.bat and start from Step 3 (re-indexing). The syntax error occurs at the very end of Step 2 after the migration of data warehouse DB successfully completes.

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