Is there anyway to fetch PA/TA details using it's name via REST calls?
3 answers
given that paName is the Project Area Name and monitor is the progress monitor
IProjectArea area = null;
if (anArea instanceof IProjectArea) {
IProjectArea foundArea = (IProjectArea) anArea;
if (foundArea.getName().equals(paName)) {
area = foundArea;
System.out.println("PA found: " + paName);
} }
List areas = service.findAllProjectAreas(IProcessClientService.ALL_PROPERTIES, monitor);
for (Object anArea : areas) {
if (anArea instanceof IProjectArea) {
IProjectArea foundArea = (IProjectArea) anArea;
if (foundArea.getName().equals(paName)) {
area = foundArea;
System.out.println("PA found: " + paName);
} }
I believe by "REST calls", ast java is asking for an HTTP API call, rather than a java API call.
Hello Islam,
Thanks for your response.
As i had mentioned I have already knew the way how to fetch using RTC API's and Rest calls using UUID.
But I had asked whether any other way to fetch it using by its (PA/TA) name.
Hello All,
I had found the answer for my question.
It has been mentioned in the below link,
In this link how to fetch those details using its name and other fields.