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Is RTC providing any way to handle Binary Files in SCM ? Any solutions avilable to integrate RTC with artifactory.

After going through many questions over forum. I have following questions with respect to the Binary Files handling
1. It is clear Binary Files / Third Party libraries/ build results shouldn't be stored in the RTC SCM- How to Handle this, is IBM providing any solutions to this or Planning to provide in future?
2. I see many places it is suggested to use Artifactory, Nexus . Are there any available integrator for RTC and Artifactoy from IBM or any other which IBM suggests?
3. It would be nice if any solution similar to Git LFS is available for RTC SCM ?
I hope my questions are very precise please suggest solutions.
1. It is clear Binary Files / Third Party libraries/ build results shouldn't be stored in the RTC SCM- How to Handle this, is IBM providing any solutions to this or Planning to provide in future?
2. I see many places it is suggested to use Artifactory, Nexus . Are there any available integrator for RTC and Artifactoy from IBM or any other which IBM suggests?
3. It would be nice if any solution similar to Git LFS is available for RTC SCM ?
I hope my questions are very precise please suggest solutions.
2 answers

We now have a newer feature in RTC 605 to handle huge Binary files externally, you may want to have a look at this feature in the following link:

IBM actively market Rational Asset Manager [http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/en/ratiassemanafami] as a complimentary solution for managing business assets that extend beyond the bounds of simple source control artifacts. The Jazz.net wiki provides an introduction: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMArchitectureOverview#Complementary_products