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How do I get the Oracle data dictionary, RDNG tool (v6.0.2)?

Elenilson Chiarapa (1318) | asked Jul 06 '17, 9:17 a.m.

Good morning everyone!

I need to know the size and type of some fields in the RDNG, for testing and creating artifact models in the tool.
How do I get the Oracle Data Dictionary from RDNG - v6.0.2?

Thank you.

Elenilson Chiarapa

One answer

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Jul 06 '17, 10:36 a.m.

The majority of the DNG data is persisted in the database as RDF triples. Hence looking at the database (tables) doesn't give you a traditional relational view of the data.

Elenilson Chiarapa commented Jul 06 '17, 10:45 a.m.

 Hi Bas Bekker,

I understand, but, I want to see only the size and type of fields created in the RDNG, such as the "comment" and "description" fields.


Bas Bekker commented Jul 06 '17, 11:29 a.m.

The type of the fields is part of those same RDF triples that are persisted in the database, see the RDF entry and the Triple entry in wikipedia.
In general there is no size limit for literal values of a triple, specially strings. There are limits set by the underlying database system, and for indexing the triples for querying and searching, see this forum entry that details that somewhat.

Elenilson Chiarapa commented Jul 06 '17, 2:18 p.m.

Thank you so much, Bas Bekker!

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