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Add subscribers automatically when a work item is submitted

Hello, I would like to add few users automatically to the subscriber list when a work item is created. I was couple of places where it was referred to be done without the need of any programming. Here are the links:
Accepted answer

See https://jazz.net/forum/questions/75970/want-default-subscribers-in-workitem/75971

You would have to create a default value for a user list, add the users to the list and make it a default provider for the subscription attribute.

I knew I was missing something. Thanks Ralph for straightening me out.

Ralph, another related question. We actually need to email/notify bunch of folks when a work-item is created. It may be a bit of overkill to add those folks as subscribers to each WI. Is there a way to generate an email just on submission. I will be interested in knowing the programmatic route as well if it is the only way to achieve this. Thanks.

See https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2016/07/15/rtc-process-customization-what-you-can-and-cannot-do/ search for subscribe after reading that, search for asynchronous task and follow up action / participant on that blog. I think you could use both approaches to create a more reasonable implementation with more effort.

another approach might be to listen to the team feeds and see the events instead of getting an email.

All good suggestions, thank you once again Ralph.