Using RTC, I need to fetch data dynamically from the HTTP Filtered Value set. Is this possible?
I am using an HTTP Filtered Value set in-order to fetch file.xml values within the attribute, so that during work item creation values from that XML file will be added in the attribute. I can save more than one value in the attribute, as the type of the attribute is 'String List'. When I create a work item and select values from that attribute, I need to fetch the current values of this attribute and display it in another attribute. I need to save the dynamic data from the attribute of type 'String List' in another attribute. Kindly assist me in this. Thank you in anticipation.
Aishwarya Sureban
Accepted answer
You can try to add a Java Script calculated value provider at the second attribute. It would have to return the getValue() of the attribute it depends on if that changes and its attributes current value in all other cases.
I am not sure if that will work, I always had issues with attributes of type list in Java Script. The Java Script API documentation does not mention list type attributes but my Java Script skills are very limited.
If JavaScript does not work, the other options that will work are Java based calculated value (same approach as in JavaScript before) or follow up actions/participants.