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Delivery precondition - no unused imports firing against new work and not checked in files (changeset)

One of my users noted an odd behavior in 602 ifix10 using SCRUM. They have a deliver pre-op trigger "no unused imports on delivery" which I believe is an out-of-the-box setup.
Accepted answer

As Ralph indicates, the client-side preconditions that refer to an Eclipse semantic status (such as no errors or no unused imports) are about the Eclipse status, and not the status of just the change-sets being delivered. If you want to ignore some your pending changes, you could check those changes into a change set (if they aren't already checked-in), then suspend those change sets, execute your deliver, and then resume those suspended change sets.
One other answer

This is the intended behavior. The operation is a client side behavior and unused imports only makes sense in the context of a local project that is local on disk. The unused imports and organize imports is an Eclipse capability and does not know or care about change sets. The operation only prevents you from delivering if there are unused imports. You have to fix it and can potentially only deliver additional changes that fix the unused imports.

The problem here is that he is not trying to deliver work in progress (not checked in code). He's trying to deliver code that has already been checked in and that does not have unused imports, etc.. The error/warning is false.

This is the behavior since RTC 1.x and before. This s the first time in 9 years that I see a complaint.
- Use Organize Imports on their local files to fix the problem in their workspace
- Talk to their project area administrator and tell them that they disagree with using the rule and please have it removed
- Prevent the user to deliver anything unless they change their local code to be clean and free of compiler errors.