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deliver Precondition - Require work item to match query allowing a workitem type in another project to merge

nannette Mori (50984) | asked Jun 07 '17, 2:45 p.m.

 We use the Precondition - Require work item to match query.  The query only allows User Stories and Engineering tasks to be used to merge.  However it is allowing developers to use a DR to merge.  Our DR workitem is in a different project than our other workitems. Why does the Precondition allow workitems from a different Project to merge. 

Donald Nong commented Jun 08 '17, 1:29 a.m.

Have you verified that the precondition is in effect?

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 08 '17, 1:38 a.m.

Agree with Donald,

 usually if "preconditions don't work" it is a configuration issue. Another aspect is, the special one, I think, actually is satisfied if there is one work item that satisfies the query,  

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