How to deploy ClearQuest Web and Rational CLM 6.0.3 on WebSphere
I need to install ClearQuest and Rational CLM 6.0.3 on a single VM running Windows server 2012 R2.
I would like to know how to deploy CQ Web and CLM 6.0.3 on the same installation of WAS Integrated Solutions Console.
Do I have to create separate profiles for CQ Web and CLM ?
Thank You
One answer
My experience with ClearQuest is based on version 8.0 and older, and back then ClearQuest was 32 bit only. This means that ClearQuest Web would run in a 32 bit WAS profile as well. For CLM, you definitely needs a 64 bit profile in order to have a larger JVM heap size. So if CQWeb 9.0 is still 32 bit only, I don't really think that you can install the two together comfortably.
Thanks for your response. I created a PMR for ClearQuest tech support.
Information I received is that 32 bit components of IBM WebSphere SDK for Java and WebSphere Runtime environment for Java are required to use ClearQuest full text search (FTS) and ClearQuest Reporting components. Currently ClearQuest FTS and reporting are not used in my project. I should be able to deploy ClearQuest in WAS along with Rational CLM 6.0.3.