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Error accessing the LPA page after RTC 5.0.2 upgrade - Error 404:

Kegham Anbarjian (231711) | asked Oct 14 '16, 12:13 p.m.
edited Oct 14 '16, 12:17 p.m.

I upgraded from RTC 4.0.3 to RTC 5.0.2 with iFix 017 applied. All upgrade scripts executed without errors.  When I click on Manage Projects (Administration -> Manage Lifecycle Projects), I get the following error:

Error 404: No target servlet configured for uri: /admin/web/projects/new

and the URL shows https://sever:port/admin, which seems wrong.

When I manually type the URL https://ttps://sever:port/jts/lpa, it brings up the LPA page, which make me believe that the LPA module is up and running. I am not sure if it's safe to run the subcommand -mergeLPAJTS again.

In the repotools-jts_mergeLPAJTS.log, the subcommand for -mergeLPAJTS looks as follows:
repotools-jts -mergeLPAJTS jtsContextRoot=jts lpaContextRoot=admin oldJTSHome=C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf

Is the value lpaContextRoot=admin correct? Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance,

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