Where can I download 5.0.2 iFix 21?
According to this security bulletin: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg22002429&myns=swgrat&mynp=OCSSYMRC&mynp=OCSSCP65&mynp=OCSSR27Q
there should be 5.0.2 iFix 21. However, clicking on the link that is provided only shows iFix 20 which came out on 3/2/17.
Am I missing something?
Accepted answer
I can confirm that the latest on fix central is iFix 20. There is an iFix 21, it just hasn't been uploaded to jazz.net or fix central yet. It takes a while for this to happen. In the meanwhile the media is available at the below link:
Interim fix 021 for CLM 5.0.2 release
You can also get an idea of the iFix schedule here: