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nodegit issue during change set content display

Angelo Corna (26358383) | asked May 02 '17, 6:18 a.m.

I've activate RTC-Git integration with nodegit on my RTC 6.0.3 environment.

I can see git commits related to my Work Items but when I try to select a change set from links tab (in order to show the differences contained on change set) I don't receive any data (blank page).
Starting nodegit in debug mode (RTC_GIT_SERVER_TRACE_LEVEL=4) I receive the following message
main WARNING startServer(): No takers for the route /git/1stTest.git/commit/dd781d0a5cf3b90a29b31900468fa727235858cc, method = GET

Can you help me to find a solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance.

One answer

permanent link
Shubjit Naik (1.5k1613) | answered May 16 '17, 10:44 a.m.

Hi Angelo

From our offline troubleshooting, adding the notes here for the benefit of all:

1 - For the Error on trying to retrieve commit details from RTC Work Item Link:
WARNING startServer(): No takers for the route /git/1stTest.git/commit/dd781d0a5cf3b90a29b31900468fa727235858cc, method = GET

Make sure underĀ Registered GitĀ repositories > Advanced > The commit URL is blank for a Nodejs based setup.

2 - ErrorĀ trying to retrieve commit details from RTC Work Item Link::
CRRTC8815E: the details for the commit operation cannot be fetched xxxxxx

Version of Nodejs used was 0.12.9, which works fine, but the node_modules built using "npm install --production" from version 0.12.9 does not work with 6.0.3.

Solution: Update Nodejs to later version, 4.0 or higher and use the node_modules built from that version of npm.

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