Can't Upload PDF to DOORS 6.0.3
When we attempt to upload any PDF as a new artifact in DOORS NG 6.0.3 ifix 002, the client spins forever and the artifact is never created, and no error message is displayed to the user.
PDFs smaller than about 660KB appear to always upload correctly, but nothing larger than that size.
We see an entry in the RM.log file immediately when the PDF is uploaded.
2017-04-27 12:55:36,711 [ WebContainer : 17] ERROR .fronting.server.core.nav.folder.FolderRestService - CRRRS1007E A problem occurred in the Requirements Management (RM) server: Entry [8cb01d175dae8d0e]
java.lang.RuntimeException: No data
Any ideas?
One answer
Hi David,
I haven't seen this before and just uploaded a test 10MB PDF to my 6.0.3 iFix002 server which worked fine. I wonder if it has something to do with size limits on your web server or somewhere else within your topology. You may want to contact support to try and track this down if your infrastructure/network team isn't aware of any such limitations. Hope it helps!