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Missing RM Project in Report Builder

Amy Grueninger (133) | asked Feb 25 '20, 10:41 a.m.

 I am missing an RM project in Report Builder. I am an Administrator on the project plus I have the Admin roles. I have refreshed the Report Builder data source. I have run all the DCC jobs. I can see the linked RTC and RQM projects, but the RDNG project is not available. I have other RM projects, but I am missing one. Any suggestions?

Accepted answer

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Sean F (1.3k249160) | answered Feb 25 '20, 11:54 a.m.

Hi Amy,

Have you tried refreshing the JRS metadata as well as the data itself?

You can refresh metadata at

>Reports>Build>Data Source>Refresh

You can refresh data at
Run Update

Was the project created very recently?

I sometimes find that new projects do not show up in JRS even after doing both updates.

If you wait a few hours or a day then the project shows up and will refresh reliably on command from then on.

Amy Grueninger selected this answer as the correct answer

Amy Grueninger commented Feb 25 '20, 1:32 p.m.

It actually ended up being an Access Control List, so once I fixed that and did the data source refresh it showed up. Thank you for your response! 

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