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What is the purpose of the DB2 server?

Shawn Chaney (118) | asked Oct 30 '18, 2:44 p.m.

 Since the app servers contain data what is the purpose of the DB2 server? When running a reindex for all the app servers it removes the resources and reindexes them. Where does that data come from? ?The database? Can someone explain to me in detail the flow of data and what exactly is happening to the data when doing a re-index for any app server (initiated from the LQE or manually from the command line. Please don't reply with a question.. Just tell me how it works. Thanks

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 30 '18, 3:04 p.m.
edited Oct 30 '18, 3:06 p.m.
App server don't contain data. The databases do. There are various different indexes for various purposes that are created typically based on data in the application data bases, stored in files.

That is how it works. You can find many details if you start reading here: (End of the page to the left in your case)

Shawn Chaney commented Oct 31 '18, 6:28 a.m.

 Your answer doesn't make sense to me. I know the app servers contain data. In the indices folders they contain gigabytes worth that get update when data is migrated over from another system like classic DOORS. I am trying to understand the what is happening within the system with the data. How it is stored, what happens during re-indexing. I know when you kick off a reindex for a data source it deletes the old data and re indexes data from the data source. Where is that data source? Does anyone know what is going on with the data in this system?

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