Execution Variables
Defined these execution variables at the script level in RQM;
Execution Variables
#Wed Apr 26 19:24:08 EDT 2017
qm_soapui_project=v05.2.0 CapriBTSXDR Request WS Tests
qm_soapui_suite=Sync BTSXDRRequest_PortTypeBinding TestSuite_v5_2_0
qm_soapui_case=SyncAnkleConditionForm_EmptyRequest TestCase
This file is created when the test executes "soapui.properties".
rem This script is designed to be run from RQM command line adaptor.
set soapui_home=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.3.0
cd C:\Scripts\SoapUI Tests\SoapUI Scripts
set path=%path%;"%soapui_home%\bin"
type %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
copy %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile% soapui.properties
set errorlevel=
call testrunner.bat -s %qm_soapui_suite% -c %qm_soapui_case% -r -a %qm_soapui_project% "C:\Scripts\SoapUI Tests\SoapUI Scripts\v05.2.0 CapriBTSXDR Request WS Tests.xml"
exit /b %errorlevel%
echo myFile=C:\Users\VHAISPBOCKOD\RQMCommandLineAdapter\ >> $qm_AttachmentsFile
The batch file runs from RQM, but the Execution Variables are not in the testrunner .bat command line (see below).
RQM.out file
#Execution Variables
#Wed Apr 26 19:19:50 EDT 2017
qm_soapui_project=v05.2.0 CapriBTSXDR Request WS Tests
qm_soapui_suite=Sync BTSXDRRequest_PortTypeBinding TestSuite_v5_2_0
qm_soapui_case=SyncAnkleConditionForm_EmptyRequest TestCase
C:\Scripts\SoapUI Tests\SoapUI Scripts>copy C:\Users\VHAISP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\QMAdapter7865700850451152967.vars soapui.properties
1 file(s) copied.
C:\Scripts\SoapUI Tests\SoapUI Scripts>set errorlevel=
C:\Scripts\SoapUI Tests\SoapUI Scripts>call testrunner.bat -s -c -r -a "C:\Scripts\SoapUI Tests\SoapUI Scripts\v05.2.0 CapriBTSXDR Request WS Tests.xml"
SoapUI 5.3.0 TestCase Runner
About the Quality Management Application
Build Information | Version | Build ID |
Quality Management - Core Libraries | 6.0.1 | I20151109_2311 |
The patch is active for QM. For details about the patch, see the readme.txt file. | 6.0.1 | iFix008 |
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries | 6.0.1 | RJF-I20151106-1823 |
JTS Patch is active. Contact your system administrator for details on fixes included in this patch in readme.txt. | 6.0.1 | iFix008 |
Any suggestions to make this work are appreciated.
Accepted answer
I have a quick test and believe I know what you have missed. To use the script as is (I guess from https://jazz.net/forum/questions/202981/soapui-to-rqm-commandline-throwing-error-that-cannot-find-path-is-there-an-issue-with-my-syntax), you need to set the execution variables "soapui_suite", "soapui_case" and "soapui_project", not "qm_soapui_suite", "qm_soapui_case" and "qm_soapui_project", as RQM will prefix the variables with "qm_" automatically when calling the Command Line Adapter.
This is clearly documented.
One other answer
If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, you just need to read the file soapui.properties to get those execution variables. Otherwise, I don't see the point of having the file there.
This part of the batch file came from a post on the JAZZ forum. This batch file is called from RQM and should call the SoapUI test runner using the execution variables from the soapui.properties file.
My question is why are there no properties being passed to the test runner and what needs to change in the batch file to make that happen. (see below)
set path=%path%;"%soapui_home%\bin"
type %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
copy %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile% soapui.properties
set errorlevel=
call testrunner.bat -s %qm_soapui_suite% -c %qm_soapui_case% -r -a %qm_soapui_project% "C:\Scripts\SoapUI Tests\SoapUI Scripts\v05.2.0 CapriBTSXDR Request WS Tests.xml"
Content of the properties file:
#Execution Variables
#Thu Apr 27 08:39:52 EDT 2017
qm_soapui_project=v05.2.0 CapriBTSXDR Request WS Tests
qm_soapui_suite=Sync BTSXDRRequest_PortTypeBinding TestSuite_v5_2_0
qm_soapui_case=SyncAnkleConditionForm_EmptyRequest TestCase