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SOAPUI to RQM commandline throwing error that cannot find path, is there an issue with my syntax?

Milana M (1513) | asked Jul 23 '15, 4:56 p.m.


When I run my SOAPUI to RQM command line script I keep getting this error:

The system cannot find the path specified.
'testrunner.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

This is the syntax of my commandline script, is there something I have mixed up which is causing the system to throw this error?

rem This script is designed to be run from RQM command line adaptor.
set soapui_home=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-Pro-5.1.2
cd C:\SoapUItests
set path=%path%;"%soapui_home%\bin"
type %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
copy %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
set errorlevel=
call testrunner.bat -s"%qm_soapui_suite%" -c"%qm_soapui_case%" -r -a "%qm_soapui_project%" C:\Users\MPLN4K8N\Documents\REST-Project-1-soapui-project.xml
exit /b %errorlevel%
echo myFile=C:\Users\MPLN4K8N\Documents\RQMAdapter\RQMCommandLineAdapter\ >>  $qm_AttachmentsFile

Many thanks for your help!

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Brett Bohnn (94111157) | answered Jul 24 '15, 10:53 a.m.
Hi Milana,

The directory containing testrunner.bat should be in the Windows PATH so that it can be found and executed. I suspect that will be the path to the SoapUI installation in Program Files or Program Files (x86).

Please add the correct SoapUI path (that contains testrunner.bat) to your system PATH variable then bring up a new Windows cmd prompt (start > run > cmd) and ensure 'testrunner.bat' can be executed from cmd. If it can, it should run from the CLA script as well.

Milana M selected this answer as the correct answer

Milana M commented Jul 30 '15, 6:37 p.m.


Thank you, this definitely helped. The final nuance that made all the difference was aligning the testrunner.bat line item inside the RQM integration script to match the same syntax as the folder structure inside program files. In this case, the testrunner.bat was generating a line which said "SOAPUI Pro 5.1.2" but the program file folder structure was denoted as "SOAPUI-Pro-5.1.2". The lack of hyphens in the first one created an error.

Thank you for your help!


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