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Report Design perspective is missing in IDE after installing RTC 6.0.3 server and client

Bill Taylor (1441535) | asked Apr 26 '17, 10:00 a.m.

After upgrading RTC 5.0.2 to 6.0.3, I cannot find the Report Design perspective in the RTC client.

Also, in the Team Artifacts view, every Project Area has only one folder - Work Items

I read that to use BIRT, I had to use the Client for Eclipse 3.6.x IDE, but that made no difference.

I am migrating from a CCM that uses the jazz context root. The upgrade instructions say you should use the applicationContextRoot=jazz switch in the command. Which command is being referred to? Is it upgrade\jazz\ccm_upgrade.bat, in which case where and how do I use the switch?

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