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Linux Server Silent Install Instructions don't make sense -

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Aug 27 '12, 7:39 p.m.
retagged Aug 28 '12, 10:32 a.m. by Mridula Muppana (1261)
I found the link here:

The files referenced don't exist, nor does the folder mentioned:
Open a command shell, and change to one of the following subdirectories that contains the Installation Manager and response files for your platform:
    Windows: <ExtractedDir>\im\win32.win32.x86
    Linux x86: <ExtractedDir>/im/linux.gtx.x86
    Linux on Power: <ExtractedDir>/im/linux.gtx.ppc
    Linux for System z®: <ExtractedDir>/im/linux.gtx.s390
    Solaris: <ExtractedDir>/im/solaris.gtk.sparc
    AIX: <ExtractedDir>/im/aix.motif.ppc

Two sample response files are intended for installing the Jazz™ Team Server and Jazz-based applications: silent-install-server.xml and silent-install-server2.xml.
The only files with "silent" in the name are:

and there is no folder or file with the name:

I also found this link here:

But that appears to be incomplete.

I have both IM 1.4.3 and 1.5.2 with the repository file for Linux server with all apps ( Any help would be appreciated. I need to do an upgrade from ifix 8 (RTC only) to (the whole CLM). Actually upgrading to 4.0, but I need to upgrade to 3.x first from what I have read elsewhere. I am accessing the server through PuTTY and do not have access to a GUI for this server. Nor do I have root access. If someone could simplify this for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Perhaps you already have scripts I could borrow?

Database is MS SQL with the topology of one database server - 4 databases (CCM, JTS, QM, and Data Warehouse). Plus one application server for all the apps (CCM, RM, QM, JTS).

3 answers

permanent link
Jerry Shengulette (63914) | answered Aug 28 '12, 3:11 p.m.
Regarding the first link listed, those are the instructions for installing the Installation Manager (which I think you already have).   The appropriate subfolder, in this case linux.gtk.x86 would be found in (the default name is downloaded from

What part of the second link is incomplete?

Mike Shkolnik commented Aug 28 '12, 6:39 p.m. | edited Sep 19 '13, 5:38 a.m.

That's what I would think based on those instructions, but it's not there.

Has no one written step-by-step instructions for this?

permanent link
Jerry Shengulette (63914) | answered Aug 29 '12, 7:44 a.m.
I had just downloaded the from file yesterday and upon unzipping I do see the subdirectory you seem to be missing.   Perhaps yours was inadvertently deleted.   Mine upzips into four pieces:

./im/   Aug 04 2012
./launchpad/  Jul 23 2012
./license/ Jul 23 2012   Jul 23 2012

Once there with all the pieces in place, the instructions on the "Installing with command-line commands" page seem to work fine.

permanent link
Karl Weinert (2.0k52736) | answered Aug 29 '12, 10:54 a.m.
edited Aug 29 '12, 11:08 a.m.
It sounds like you downloaded the the "Installation Manager Repositories".
You will also need to download the "Web Installer" for the version(s) you want to install on.
The Web Installer will contain the sample response files and the correct version of installation manager.
It does not contain the install bits, those are in the "Installation Manager Repository"

You will then point to the repository.config file in the root of the unzipped "Installation Manager Repository" directory in the response file.
For example:
<repository location='/opt/3014_repo/ repository.config ' temporary='true' />

And the userinstc executable gets run from inside the web installer directory.
cd to:
run ./userinstc <other args from information center>

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