How can I use kanban board of RTC

One answer

The Splint Backlog, Release Backlog, Product Backlog, Cross-Project Plan are plan types. Kanban (Taskboard) is a kind of plan view. You need to create a plan first, then you can select one of the plan view.
Please refer to document

Hi. Thank~
Can you some more answer?
I watched related youtube video (Link the below)
In that video, Sprint Kanban Board Menu is visible.
Is the teskboard same the Kanban Board?
In that video, Name of plan view is Sprint Kanban Board.

The "Sprint Kanbao board" plan type in the youtube is available since RTC 5.0.1. If you are using an older RTC version, or your project area was created in an older version then upgrade the RTC server, you could not see it in the drop down list.
For the 2nd situation, you can create a new Scrum project area and compared the process configuration source between the two project areas. Then manually copy related part to your project area.
The post mentions this approach.