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Restrict users from deleting widgets on the dashboard

Amit Garg (312051) | asked Apr 07 '17, 7:46 a.m.

 Can we restrict users from deleting widgets on the dashboard? We have a standard dashboard for all the teams but users move or remove the widgets from the dashboard and hence we have to do rework to bring it back. We are using 6.0.2.

2 answers

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Apr 07 '17, 7:50 a.m.

you could use the role permissions to restrict the modifications to the personal / project dashboards... provide the dashboard modification permission to specific roles and assign those roles to the user who should be able to modify it..

Open the Project Area in Eclipse Client > Process Configuration > Project Configuration > Permissions > Select a role > from Permissions section expand Dashboards : Save Personal/Project Dashboard : Modify the Personal / Project Dashboard

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