Why is the help updatewar.jsp not recognizing and loading site.xml of the clm401 updatesite file?
I did exactly what is described in the Infocenter to install local help.
But the updatewar.jsp is not loading my updatesite. Neither if I have site.xml local nor remote.
I also read through many forum articles but I have not found others with the same issue.
I'm running Windows 2008-R2/64bit with WAS 8005/64bit and CLM401.
My steps:
a) define " localhost" in etc/hosts
b) disable the remote help with
c) download the siteupdate from
d) start
e) remove installed content
f) <add> local site, browse to site.xml, give a name "CLM401Local", <OK>
h) <add> remote site, give URL to site.xml, give a name <ok>
-->> the three blue bars are running for 10-20 seconds
-->> the Site List folder has now a subfolder with my name
f) open the subfolder, select the Help content, <Install>
But the updatewar.jsp is not loading my updatesite. Neither if I have site.xml local nor remote.
I also read through many forum articles but I have not found others with the same issue.
I'm running Windows 2008-R2/64bit with WAS 8005/64bit and CLM401.
My steps:
a) define " localhost" in etc/hosts
b) disable the remote help with
c) download the siteupdate from
d) start
e) remove installed content
f) <add> local site, browse to site.xml, give a name "CLM401Local", <OK>
-->> the three blue bars are running for 10-20 secondsg) Then I created a Webfolder for the updatesite. I can browse this folder in the Browser and see the files.
-->> Site List folder remains empty
h) <add> remote site, give URL to site.xml, give a name <ok>
-->> the three blue bars are running for 10-20 seconds
-->> the Site List folder has now a subfolder with my name
f) open the subfolder, select the Help content, <Install>
-->> It opens shortly the Update Window with the progress bar but the it fails withHas anybody an idea what I can do so one of the this method is loading the content?
-->> PopUp: "Failed to install feature: No repository found at https://bt-clmserver01.company.com/LocalHelpUpdateSites/CLM401updateSite/."
2 answers
Hello Guido,
I'm assuming that you're trying to provide local help content rather than having the help system include content from the IBM website - is that correct?
If so, then you need to download the update site zip file from
and then go to the page and add a new local site, and just point to the zip file. It will take a while to upload the zip file, but once that's done you should see the new local site defined and you can upload your help content from there.
Let me know if that helps!
Christian Glockner
Technical Support Engineer
IBM Rational Client Support