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Client extension API for the Requirements Management (RM) application 6.0.3

Jyotsna Prasad (19221) | asked Apr 05 '17, 2:20 a.m.


Can anyone please tell where can I find the client extension API for RM 6.0.3 and does it have the feature to get the configuration-context information of RM Artifact?

Thank you.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 05 '17, 4:32 a.m.
edited Apr 05 '17, 4:33 a.m.

 This is the only API available (besides OSLC and REST API's) for Doors Next:

Doors Next and RQM don't provide any Java SDK or client API's similar to the RTC SDK.

Jyotsna Prasad selected this answer as the correct answer

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