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Do we have any oslc api to Import project properties in DNG 6.0.5?

Pavithra Shivalingappa (128219) | asked Feb 27 '18, 12:25 a.m.

Do we have any oslc api to import tthe project property template of another project area into current project area?
If we dont have then do we any other solution to do the import ?

Donald Nong commented Feb 27 '18, 12:47 a.m.

What exactly do you want to do? Why using API?

Pavithra Shivalingappa commented Feb 27 '18, 12:55 a.m.

DNG tool whatever it provides now is a manual task. We need to develop the same using oslc or some thing else where we can just mention the project area source template to import.A source project area property template can be imported in multiple child project areas.

Task is to import project property template from source project area to destination project area. How to do this?

Pavithra Shivalingappa commented Feb 27 '18, 12:58 a.m.

This feature is available in DNG 6.0.5.
Go to Settings -> Manage Project properties -> Import Project properties.

Donald Nong commented Feb 27 '18, 1:01 a.m.

I think you should rephrase your question. You just want to do automation, not necessarily using OSLC API. I'm pretty sure OSLC API does not cover such operations.

Pavithra Shivalingappa commented Feb 27 '18, 3:53 a.m.

Do we have any direct uri to fetch the project property template of mentioned project area?
Automation can be done but first we need to fetch project properties of any project area mentioned. So, how to do it? Any idea.

Accepted answer

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Feb 27 '18, 11:50 a.m.

There is no public DNG API to apply a project template or project properties to a project area.

If you really need to implement such functionality, your best bet is to re-engineer the private DNG API, by looking the the request/responses in a Chrome or Firefox tracing tool.
Note that it is a private internal API, not documented, no support and its working can change with a new release or iFix.

You can put in a Request for Enhancement to get such functionality, have a look at this document:
Rational RFE Community now Preferred Method for Requests for Enhancements

Pavithra Shivalingappa selected this answer as the correct answer

Pavithra Shivalingappa commented Feb 28 '18, 1:02 a.m.

While browsing i found one link which is related to importing.

But need to check whether this api fulfills my use case.

Bas Bekker commented Apr 25 '18, 2:03 p.m.

Yes, I wasn't aware of that API, my bad.

Here a post with details on usage: How to use the DNG type import server API

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