Get testcase workitems using RQM Copy Utility
I need to retrieve a testcase and its development items (workitems). However that seem to be not possible using the RQM Copy Utility. When I execute 'getArtifact' the array 'workitems' is always null, regardless the test case has development items or not.
I assume that this happens because by default, the REST api doesn't retrieve the work items. You need to attach the parameter ?fields=workitem if you want to have the work items elements.
Is there any workaround for this in the RQM Copy Utility? I´m using RQM 4.0.5
I´ll appreciate your help.
Accepted answer
One other answer
Currently, this is not possible using the RQM Copy Utility
Known Limitations of the Copy Utility
External and CLM links
- The RQM Copy Utility does not "follow" external links to duplicate the linked data, e.g. a defect from Clear Quest or a requirement from Requisite Pro. Additionally, the links are NOT preserved as they may not be meaningful outside the context of the original source project area.
- Does not allow for copying CLM links such as Requirement, Work Item, or Plan Item links. CLM linking is only supported in the OSLC QM API