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Cancel "Creating Test Case Execution Records if required" option

sara chason (27224) | asked Mar 26 '17, 8:32 a.m.


In my group we are running test suites containing thousands of tests and we create the test case with TCERs already linked to them.
I see that before a test suite starts the execution, RQM checks that all tests cases have TCERs linked to them and for us it's a huge waste of time.
is there a way to cancel the "Creating Test Case Execution Records if required" option?


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Krupa Gunhalkar (4512) | answered Apr 04 '17, 6:38 a.m.

Hi Sara,

Currently there is no such option available to cancel this check.

If it is really impacting your work, Please raise an RFE with the detailed scenario description and its impact.

Krupa Gunhalkar

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