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OSLC-QM: Missing essential classes or members

ecu test (113) | asked Mar 21 '17, 9:49 a.m.
edited Mar 22 '17, 3:23 p.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)


we are currently interfacing RQM via oslc4j and are facing some problems with it. Basically there are two major problems bothering us:

1) Essential classes are entirely missing in the oslc4j interface. There are, for example, no classes for creating or querying TestSuites, TestSuiteExecutionRecords or TestSuiteResults. 
2) If there are classes predefined, some essential properties of the resources are not available over oslc at all. For example there seems to be no way for accessing the testphase/iteration of a TestExecutionRecord or no details of a TestResult.

Since we are able to extend oslc4j, we can live with the first issue. Nevertheless, its kind of annoying that those resources cannot be addressed over oslc4j by default. Why is that so?

The second point is the more crucial, because there seems to be no way for addressing the information via oslc AT ALL. And therefore we are forced to implement a client simultaneously interfacing oslc AND the restfull api. On the other hand we cannot use ONLY the restfull api since we are depending on oslc-ids for other purposes.

So, long story short, the question is: Is there any development on the oslc backend going on at the moment? Is there a chance that some day soon the oslc api has the same power as the restfull api? Or is there some best practise for accessing elements not available over oslc?

Thanks and kind regards,
Rene Grellert

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Jim Amsden (29347) | answered Mar 22 '17, 10:34 a.m.


1) OSLC4J's domain classes implement the domain classes as specified in the OSLC QM 2.0 specification. This specification does not include vocabulary classes TestSuites, TestSuiteExecutionRecords or TestSuiteResults. So these would be extensions required to support RQM, a specific implementation of OSLC QM 2.0.

The RQM implementation may have per-dated eclipse/Lyo, so RQM may have created its own RESTful services for its extensions, or its own Java SDK. That would be independent of OSLC 2.0 or eclipse/Lyo.

2) Similarly testPhase and iteration are not standard properties of TestExecutionRecord or TestResult. So OSLC4J client implementation of these resource classes would not include these properties, they are RQM extension.

There are a few options for accessing extended properties. You could use specific RQM APIs if there are a number of extensions you need to access. You can use raw OSLC REST methods to GET resources and use the Jena API to parse the RDF into an internal graph suitable for convenient client access. Or you could make use of the OSLC4J AbstractResource to access the extended properties using the getExtendedProperties() method.

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