RQM OSLC API Link DOORS Requirement - Backlink
I want to link a DOORS Requirement using RQM OSLC API.
Everything works fine so far, except that there is no backlink created in DOORS means I can see the link neither in DOORS nor in DWA. Creating the link in RQM was possible without DWA OAuth. If I hover the link in RQM it looks fine as I can see the requirement details.
Automatic Link discovery is enabled in DOORS Classic but still the link does not occur.
How can I trigger the backlink creation? Do I need to set it manually in DOORS (validatedBy)?
Using DOORS and RQM 6.0.2.
Thank you
Accepted answer
Links are now shown also in DOORS Client.
Steps done:
DOORS Database Properties: Set minimum Client Version to
File -> OSLC -> Remote Services -> Refresh all
(On the affected QM Server Settings the checkbox "Enable automatic querying for OSLC links" was enabled but the checkbox could not be changed before)
After "Refresh all" DOORS shows all links as incoming and also the links that have been created using OSLC API are now being displayed.
Not sure if it works with older versions where this "Enable automatic querying for OSLC links" is not implemented but with this settings it seems to be enough to set the link via OSLC API. I think there are no backlinks anymore as the link is only persistent on RQM Side.
One other answer
Hi Julian,
I am actually trying the same :-)
However, I am still unsuccessful creating the link a t all ! Can you share a simple example of the REST request to do this ?
On the other, by gathering all the documentation about this, I found the following, which could help you in your goal :
- a tool to repair backlinks with a doors utility (unfortunately encrypted, so use as is)
- and a tool to repair the backlink with OSLC API, unfortunately undocumented - but in source. this what I am actually trying to understand how this tool works.
OSLC Cleaner
Thanks for your response.
With the REST API it does not work at all. You need to use the OSCL API. As I am doing it in Java, I used the lyo4j client which offers a DomainObject and methods to post updates on a Rqm Test Case. (http://wiki.eclipse.org/Lyo/BuildingOSLC4J). If you have problems I could help you with some snippets.
In RQM in the Test Cases Traceability View, I don't see any Backlink Status (neither ok nor broken).
When I create the backlink in DOORS manually I have only 1 link in RQM and if I then delete it, the link on RQM side also gets deleted which looks fine in my opinion.
I'll check the Cleaner tool but actually I'd expect that after creating the link via OSLC API I have to trigger any action passing my DOORS credentials to create the backlink OR that the backlink is created automatically when using DOORS and RQM > 6.0.1 and having automated Link discovery enabled(and setting Minimum Client Version to . As far as I know, this leads to the scenario that links are only stored on RQM-side and not on both - DOORS and RQM - anymore
Just for the benefits of those reading this post, there are two sets of RQM API that you can use.
OSLC: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmOslcQmV2Api
REST: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi
Hi Donald,
As a difference to OSLC API, I could not find any working description of handling links with he RQM REST API, and trying around did not lead to any result either. Julian said above, RQM REST does not work at all.
Do you have a better description how to use REST API to handle links ? or maybe even a small demo snippet ?
Sorry for the late response.
I was trying to clarify the difference between OSLC API and REST API as sometimes many people get confused about them. But I did not suggest that the REST API can be used in Julian's case as it's all about OSLC.
I'm not sure what you mean "handling links". The easiest way to learn is take a test artifact with all the "links" of interest, and do a read/GET of the artifact using REST API and see how the links are presented in the result. Then you can try to use PUT or POST to replicate such links in a given artifact.