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how to set a proxy within Rhapsody to access a remote Design Manager server?

Pablo K (29312) | asked Mar 08 '17, 10:43 a.m.
edited Mar 09 '17, 11:55 a.m.


from Rational Rhapsody 8.2 I select "New on Design Manager" and I want to access a DM sandbox we have in

we can access the DM sandbox via Browser.

problem is, we have here firewall/proxy, and so far I don't find the way to configure this as for example done in Rhapsody Help.

anybody got this working?

Do I need to install something like Rhapsody Design Manager Import Engine?

thanks for any info in advance!



Donald Nong commented Mar 09 '17, 3:21 a.m.

For some reason, I have a feeling that you might hit an issue similar to this one (note that it's RTC, not Rhapsody).

Pablo K commented Mar 09 '17, 3:41 a.m.

the difference is that in rhapsody client I don't have eclipse alike options to setup network connections. only place where I can do this is on the rhapsody help, which is built on eclipse.

one option would be maybe to use the rhapsody eclipse integration and try from there, adjusting the network settings, but I need to try it and also I am not sure if this will be always the use case for us.

Donald Nong commented Mar 09 '17, 4:10 a.m.

Oh, I misunderstood your situation then. You actually don't know where to set the proxy (the Help system is definitely not the right place). Unfortunately I don't know either. You may have a better chance of getting an answer by asking the question on the IBM dW Answers forum.

The question should be: how to set a proxy within Rhapsody to access a remote Design Manager server?

Pablo K commented Mar 09 '17, 4:35 a.m.

 yes, I also posted there but got no answer so far (thought I modified the subject following your suggestion). 

As observed in the past, it seems to be a "grey area" as rhapsody experts don't know/use much the connectivity to DM server and the DM experts don't know much about rhapsody client....

Accepted answer

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Shubjit Naik (1.5k1613) | answered Mar 09 '17, 11:25 p.m.
edited Mar 10 '17, 1:21 a.m.

 Hi P K

We had a similar issue last week and tried to setup this configuration locally. Rhapsody Client connecting to a DM server that need to be connected via a Proxy server.

Although it didn't work initially, we entered the proxy parameters in "" file available in the directory "<Rhapsody Install Dir>\Share\DesignManager\"
Add the following part in the file 

It seems Rhapsody does not read these parameters and our development team helped with a fix. It is not on any iFix yet, so I suggest you raise a PMR to get a custom Fix. 

Best Regards

Pablo K selected this answer as the correct answer

Pablo K commented Mar 10 '17, 8:31 a.m.

Hi Shubjit,

thanks, connection works now (just adjusting the properties file was enough)

....but now there is another issue as some component in DM server is not available.. I will create another question.

thanks again.

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