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Unable to fetch license usages report using RLKS Reporting Tool.

Krunal Gaoli (671169) | asked Feb 24 '17, 12:37 a.m.

Hi Team,

I am using RLKS 8.1.4 and RLKS Administrator and Reporting Tool to fetch the licenses usages report for my 
CLM floating Licenses.

While I am trying to established connection between RLKS Reporting tool and CLM server I am getting below Error:
"The server is unreachable, specify the server on which the agent is running."
I checked and identified that agent is running and my agent and RLKS reporting tool is on different server.

Anyone have resolution on same.

Best Regards.

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Krunal Gaoli (671169) | answered Feb 24 '17, 8:50 a.m.

 solution is :

Configure Agent first add following parameter to the file.

# Applicable values : FLEX, JAZZ
#       FLEX - For IBM Rational License Key Server type license server.
#       JAZZ - For CLM server configured as license server.
# Path to Location of lmgrd executable if agent type is FLEX. 
# Leave the value blank (empty string) if agent type is JAZZ
#       NOTE : Use '/' as folder separator.
# Path to log file configured with license server in INSTALL_LOC
#       NOTE : Use '/' as folder (or) file separator.
LOG_FILE=ibm_installation directory\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\logs
# Path to license files configured with license server in INSTALL_LOC if agent type is FLEX.
#       Multiple license files can be provided by separating them with delimiters ';' for windows and ':' for non-windows platforms.
#       NOTE : Use '/' as folder (or) file separator.
# Leave the value blank (empty string) if agent type is JAZZ

Locaton for : IBM_installation directory\RCL\RLKSAdminAgent\servers\rclagent\conf\rclagent

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