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CRRTC3544E - how do I control where the output logs are written in an RTC JBE build?

Accepted answer

So in the bat file that starts the Jazz Build Engine add the -Djava.io.tmpdir=c:\temp\ccm at the end. Here is an example bat file to start a JBE and send the log output elsewhere:
cd "C:\Jazz Build Toolkits\v603\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse"
jbe -vm "C:\Jazz Build Toolkits\v603\jre\bin\java" -repository https://localhost:9443/ccm/ -userId dohertl -pass dohertl -engineId Liams-Localhost-JBE -Djava.io.tmpdir=c:\temp\ccm
One other answer

Hope the document https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/BuildFAQ#How_should_permissions_be_set_up can fix your issue.

So if you have more than one product that will be built, and each product has its own build userid, what would you do? We have three products that we would like to build in this environment, each with its own userid. Thanks.

The issue is not related to the user who requests a build, but the user who starts JBE process on build server. If the build definitions of all project areas use the same build engine, you only need to ensure the user who start JBE on the build engine has permission to write the log.