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New JBE options in CLM 6.0.3

I see some new optional arguments are available in the JBE for CLM 6.0.3:
but there is no description in the accompanying readme.txt or the doc. on Jazz.net-includeEnvironment (include environment variables as build properties) -propertyFile <property file path> (path to a property file which contains properties to include in the build properties)
Are there details, descriptions, examples etc. that would explain how to use them?
FYI: I can see all the options by running the jbe command without any arguments:
>jbe CRRTC3501E: The following required argument is missing: "-repository".Example usage: jbe -repository https://repository:9443/ccm -userId buildUser -pass myPassword123 -engineId engine1
Required arguments:
-repository <repository address> (address of a Jazz repository)
One of the following:
1. -userId <user id> (user id of a user defined in the Jazz repository) AND (-pass <user password> or -passwordFile <password file path>)
2. -certificateFile <certificate file path> (the file containing the user's login certificate) AND (-pass <user password> or -passwordFile <password file path>)
3. -smartCard (tells JBE to use the connected smart card for authentication) AND -userId <user id>
4. -kerberos (tells JBE to use Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNeGO)
5. -integratedWindows (tells JBE to use Integrated Windows Authentication)
Optional arguments:
-engineId <engine id> (engine id of a build engine defined in the Jazz repository, default is "default")
-includeEnvironment (include environment variables as build properties)
-passwordFile <password file path> (path to a file created with -createPasswordFile)
-propertyFile <property file path> (path to a property file which contains properties to include in the build properties)
-repositories <repositories file path> (path to file containing info about one or more repositories and their credentials)
-sleepTime <seconds> (sleep interval for build request polling, default is 30 seconds)
-verbose (for detailed logging of build engine activity)
For additional information about the Jazz Build Engine and its arguments (e.g. -createPasswordFile) please see the readme.txt located in the "buildsystem" directory.
One answer

Well, to me they seem obvious, but let me explain what I'd expect..
-includeEnvironment means that shell(1) variables that exist in the run time will be passed using -Dsymbol=value
-propertyFile pretty much the same as above but read from a file with lines like
(1) Type 'set' and hit enter works in many command shell contexts ( windows for sure, it's hard to discern what yours is ); env or printenv for most *nix will show environment variables.
partial env in my RHEL workstation