I see some new optional arguments are available in the JBE for CLM 6.0.3:
-includeEnvironment (include environment variables as build properties)
-propertyFile <property file path> (path to a property file which contains properties to include in the build properties)
but there is no description in the accompanying readme.txt or the doc. on Jazz.net
Are there details, descriptions, examples etc. that would explain how to use them?
FYI: I can see all the options by running the jbe command without any arguments:
CRRTC3501E: The following required argument is missing: "-repository".
Example usage: jbe -repository https://repository:9443/ccm -userId buildUser -pass myPassword123 -engineId engine1
Required arguments:
-repository <repository address> (address of a Jazz repository)
One of the following:
1. -userId <user id> (user id of a user defined in the Jazz repository) AND (-pass <user password> or -passwordFile <password file path>)
2. -certificateFile <certificate file path> (the file containing the user's login certificate) AND (-pass <user password> or -passwordFile <password file path>)
3. -smartCard (tells JBE to use the connected smart card for authentication) AND -userId <user id>
4. -kerberos (tells JBE to use Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNeGO)
5. -integratedWindows (tells JBE to use Integrated Windows Authentication)
Optional arguments:
-engineId <engine id> (engine id of a build engine defined in the Jazz repository, default is "default")
-includeEnvironment (include environment variables as build properties)
-passwordFile <password file path> (path to a file created with -createPasswordFile)
-propertyFile <property file path> (path to a property file which contains properties to include in the build properties)
-repositories <repositories file path> (path to file containing info about one or more repositories and their credentials)
-sleepTime <seconds> (sleep interval for build request polling, default is 30 seconds)
-verbose (for detailed logging of build engine activity)
For additional information about the Jazz Build Engine and its arguments (e.g. -createPasswordFile) please see the readme.txt located in the "buildsystem" directory.