RTC Importer - What does "Create a new Work Item for unmatched entry" do?
I have a .csv file to import into RTC. This is a mix of existing and new workitems. The existing work items have "Id" and the new ones do not. In reviewing the documentation, I understand that I can import this file, select the "Update matched Work Item" selection as well as the "Create a new Work Item for unmatched entry". This fails for new work items, i.e., those without "Id". Am I interpreting this incorrectly? Thanks in advance.
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Yes. The import tries to find the work item and update it based on the ID. If there is no matching work item for an ID or no ID then the work item is created with the values from CSV.
Thanks Ralph. That is what I thought "should" happen. We are trying this with 6.0.2 and it does not work. I have Id field for some. Others it is blank. I am wondering if it fails due to the formatting of the Id "blank".
Thanks Ralph. That is what I thought "should" happen. We are trying this with 6.0.2 and it does not work. I have Id field for some. Others it is blank. I am wondering if it fails due to the formatting of the Id "blank".
This explains how it should work: https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.team.workitem.doc%2Ftopics%2Ft_importing_work_items_csv_file.html