which of the data collection jobs need to be run , in order to update burn down charts ?
Our agile teams need a more frequent feedback on their burn down charts then the daily frequency that data collection jobs are executed.
However, if we have our jazz admins run the data collection jobs during work time , in order to get the updates, it will slow performance to a halt in our RTC repositories, and impact our teams and users.
I was thinking that maybe if we dont run ALL the data collection jobs, but just a small subset to get the updates to the dashboard, then maybe the performance hit will tolerable since it will be for such a shorter duration.
well , is that possible? are there only a handful of DCC jobs that needed to be executed to give us the updates to the burndown charts? if so, which jobs are they ?
One answer
If you are running DCC jobs (and not the old ETLs), then you should be able to schedule them for every 20 minutes, because they are much faster than the old ETL data collection jobs.
How do we do that ?
The DCC component is provided as part of release 6.0 and later, or can be installed separately for 5.0.2. For details, see the "Introduction to the Data Collection Component" topic in the on-line help ... e.g.: https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.rational.dcc.doc/topics/c_dcc_intro.html&scope=null