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RTC Data Export not exporting id's or workitem links to csv.

Karthick Veeramani (12311) | asked Mar 03 '16, 8:26 a.m.
 RTC Data Export not exporting id's or workitem links to csv.   RTC exporting links and ids without any links and porefix is "#"<id> or "#<linked workitem>". Can you explain me why ?

sam detweiler commented Mar 03 '16, 10:11 a.m.

on the export there is a column selection table.. make sure those columns are selected. (should be by default..)

3 answers

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Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k23677) | answered Mar 03 '16, 9:51 a.m.
Hi Karthik,

It could be problem with the query or data is not available for the filter you selected in query.

1) Please make sure you run the query and check its retrieving the data which is used for exporting workitem and correct filter before use it.

2) Check the respective columns are selected in the query and export output, If its missing add the column 9 eg: id).


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Karthick Veeramani (12311) | answered Mar 04 '16, 6:57 a.m.
 HI ,

Thank you for the update .

--> select "download as CSV"  --> Here i am unable to select any records.

My out put in excel follows --> #id, summary #<workitem number> , description 

Kinldy suggest me how to fix it .

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Karthick Veeramani (12311) | answered Mar 04 '16, 7:04 a.m.
 One of our attribute type is " workitem list " .How do display thsi in csv with out "#".

sam detweiler commented Mar 04 '16, 7:42 a.m. | edited Mar 04 '16, 7:43 a.m.

 I don't think you can do that. the number is the link to the other item in the spreadhseet.

this is the column selection panel, right after you push Next the first time.

note that you can try different data types in the dropdown next to each column

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