Eclipse RTC connection timeout CRJAZ2381E
Hello team,
I'm trying to make a multiple flow management throw my eclipse RTC workspace, but suddenly after being synchronising my local/remote workspace eclipse disconnected from host and i can't anymore connect to JAZZ URI.
I looked in many discussion about same issue but none of them resolve my issue.
i'm in JAZZ 5 and eclipse neon, java jdk 8u92.
connection was establiseshed and i'm already connected with web manager but i need eclipse to do the operation because web manager is not sufficient to manage workspace and stream ( or i don't know how to do).
Also, i can't find any clear guide to use another tool to manage workspace ( example MS-SCCI)! no way to find the right URL for download.
If somone has already encountred same issue, i would be greatfull for his help.
2 answers
Neither Eclipse Neon (4.6.2) nor JDK 8 is supported with RTC 5.0.x, so you are basically in an unsupported environment.
If you hope that others can help you, you should at least post the detailed error messages, as the error code CRJAZ2381E can mean many things.