Iscm command line : how to check out a single artifact from stream without the load of the complete project to the disc?
One answer
To load a single file you could do the following: scm load <workspace> <component>/<path_of_the_file_in_the_component>
Note: This creates a sandbox. You can update the file and checkin to the respository workspace and deliver the file to the stream.
To just get the file contents without a sandbox:
1) List the changesets in the history: scm show history <workspace> <component> <path>
2) Pick the last change set and get the change/file in the change set: scm get change <change_set_uuid> <path> <output_path>
i am trying below command its not working for me
lscm load -r "C:/path of local directory" "componentName/"readMe.docx"
Problem running 'load':
Unmatched workspace "C:/path of local dirctory"
Yes, the workspace is missing from the command: scm load <workspace> <component>/<path_of_the_file_in_the_component>
There are couple of issues with your command. Here is the correct syntax:
lscm load -r -d "C:/path of local directory" workspaceName componentName/readMe.docx
Quotes are a must only if there is spaces in your input.