Bugzilla Import - Automatic Iteration creation problems

We are importing a bunch of data using the bugzilla import format and are running into issues with the creation of iterations. It appears that the import process makes assumptions about where the iteration is so we can't import items into an existing iteration in a different timeline. For us it appears to want to create the iteration as a child of Main Development -> Default Iteration.
Any thoughts on how we might be able to have the iterations pre-created and have the import go to these iterations? We'd prefer to not have to go bulk edit a large # of work items to move them to different timlines post-import.
Some background:
1. We are doing this on a 2.0 server, but still using bugzilla because we were working on this in the 1.0 timeframe. We have a significant investment in code massaging a complex CQ schema into bugzilla format so don't want to move to CSV if that is going to be the proposed workaround.
2. Our process configuration was based off of the Eclipse Way Process in 1.0. We haven't tried importing into a project with a different set of default iterations to see what happens.
Any thoughts on how we might be able to have the iterations pre-created and have the import go to these iterations? We'd prefer to not have to go bulk edit a large # of work items to move them to different timlines post-import.
Some background:
1. We are doing this on a 2.0 server, but still using bugzilla because we were working on this in the 1.0 timeframe. We have a significant investment in code massaging a complex CQ schema into bugzilla format so don't want to move to CSV if that is going to be the proposed workaround.
2. Our process configuration was based off of the Eclipse Way Process in 1.0. We haven't tried importing into a project with a different set of default iterations to see what happens.