How to Set component to a particular baseline and load to the local sandbox?
We are using RTC Version
As part of RTC to GIT Migration, we need to get the RTC SCM Commands for
1) setting component to a initial baseline
2) Loading to the sandbox
3) Getting all the changeset for a component. (Found one command for getting all the changeset information for a component but it requires a changeset UUID . How can we get the Changeset UUID for a component?)
4) Accept all the changesets to the workspace and download the changesets to the local sandbox.
We are able to do all the operations for RTC 6.0.
But we are not getting equivalent RTC SCM Commands for RTC 3.0
Please help us on this.
One answer
In RTC 3.0.1, you can try "scm --show-uuid y history" command to list the change-set with uuid of a component.
Refer to for the command usage.
However I don't have a RTC 3.0 environment to verify the command. Sorry for that.