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Migration from RTC to GITLAB

We are migrating from RTC (Rational Team Concert) to GitLab. Specifically, we would appreciate the following support:
Please advise us on if there is any migration tools/automation scripts available which we can leverage for our migration.
It would be helpful if you could provide us with documentation or references on how to carry out the migration. This should cover step-by-step instructions, potential pitfalls, and any prerequisites.
Additionally, if there are any specific considerations related to our current RTC setup (such as custom workflows, integrations, or extensions), please highlight them.
We have tried implementing the web proposed solution of https://github.com/rtcTo/rtc2git but this solution itself is having many preexisting issue /bugs unresolved we tried of executing it but eventually we been thrown into lots of errors
please suggest any alternative way to achieve this, If the above proposed gitrepo is only the solution then please help us Understanding and implementing it correctly
Thank you in advance for your support.
Accepted answer


Thanks Davyd for your valuable input , I completely agree with what you have said .
At First we have raised your concern with GITLAB support itself but Ironically they said they haven't got any solution for this and In fact Suggested us to contact IBM for the Support and Yes we did Contacted IBM support Team and they told us to Post a Query in Forum so that it gets answered as a last ray of hope

EWM supports integration to git based tools. If you want to migrate source control and/or work item data from EWM/RTC to Git* tools, you will have to search the internet if there is anything and/or create your own automation. In general
- When migrating SCM data,
- Talk to the target tool forums, if there is automation available.
- If there is not, check in the latest baseline and continue from there.
- You could check in several baselines, if you wanted to, but you will loose the history between the baselines.
You can create your own automation, which is expensive and error prone.
When migrating change management data/work items, talk to the target tool forums, if there is automation available. Consider CSV export/import.