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Unable to run Junit test "Create RTC Test database"

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bundle "com.ibm.team.common.tests.utils" not found. Possible causes include missing dependencies, too restrictive version ranges, or a non-matching required execution environment.
Accepted answer

What you describe usually means, you have failed to follow
1.3 Setup the Eclipse workspace for Server SDK Development and have failed to correctly set up the server SDK and especially 1.4 Finalize setup of the Eclipse workspace for Server SDK Development .
This is all I can think of. The links below might be useful as well.

The (server)target platform should have about 2142 plugins (7.0.2 SR1). Use 7zip to uncompress - read the suggestions in the download page.
All imports need the check box to be checked. Unless stated or shown otherwise.

It's quite strange, into the .zip file I see only 909 plugin folders. I will download it again, and I'll let you know

I use 7Zip to uncompress or open the file and there are as many folders as there are plugins: 2142.

Note, Windows zip and other zips can not handle the size. See the documentation on the download page: this link: https://jazz.net/library/article/1361

The .zip file was missing a lot of plugins (as expected). Thank you Ralph, I correctly ran the junit test.

Nice. Please be aware, that the EWM Client launch (lab 1.9) might not work. Please see https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2024/02/09/ewm-rational-team-concert-extensions-workshop-changes-for-7-0-3/ where I explained the consequences.
If you need that part of the SDK/workshop, please open a case with support.

Thanks for the advice!!