Team Concert License Metrics

3 answers

this feature is only available once you have activated the floating license mechanism uploading an activation key. Then RTC provides you with these metrix. There is no such a measurement when using authorized user I believe, since an authorized user does not share the license with anyone.
Since I currently have not installed a floating licens I can not tell you exactly what gets counted, but I believe the who and how long should be answered. Especially interesting is peak usage.
this feature is only available once you have activated the floating license mechanism uploading an activation key. Then RTC provides you with these metrix. There is no such a measurement when using authorized user I believe, since an authorized user does not share the license with anyone.
Since I currently have not installed a floating licens I can not tell you exactly what gets counted, but I believe the who and how long should be answered. Especially interesting is peak usage.
Hey all, does anyone out there know if/how an RTC user can get metrics on their license use. Like who took a license and how long they used it (floating or authorized) ???