What is causing a 'Propagated exception' when I do an HTTP on the query base of Doors Next Generation?
I'm trying to access the query base as per the OSLC interface in Doors Next Gen.
However, instead of getting the list of requirements in xml rdf that I normally get, I get some rdf containing an error message. I'm not trying to search on specific criteria at this stage, I just want a list of all the requirements in a particular project /service provider.
Instead, I get the following:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:err="http://jazz.net/xmlns/prod/jazz/foundation/1.0/"> <rdf:Description> <err:detailedMessage rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" >Propagated exception; original message [NullPointerException: p.getConfigurationUri() must not be null.] (More info found at entry [817770f9773fe7d7] in the RM application server log)</err:detailedMessage> <err:errorMessage rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" >Internal Error</err:errorMessage> <err:errorStatus rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#long" >500</err:errorStatus> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>
all help much appreciated.
Kind regards,
One answer
You can add the vvc.configuration parameter to the URL and see if it works for you (the queryBase URL works for me in my CLM 6.0.2 environment even without the vvc.configuration parameter). You can find its value checking the complete URL in the address bar when you browse the artifacts in a browser.
The error message "p.getConfigurationUri() must not be null" is the hint. And you can find similar discussion in the below post.
Edit: OK, I've got more information about this from a different channel and now know what can be the root cause. When getting the query base URL from the services document, we need to double check whether the "&" sign has been incorrectly escaped, to "& amp ;". Two URLs are shown in the below image with the top one correct and the bottom one wrong.
If the URL with "& amp ;" is sent to the server, neither the "projectURL" nor the "vvc.configuration" parameter is recognized, hence the error in the OP.
As I see different results with different clients, I cannot be sure whether it's a server issue or client issue. In my case, RESTClient+Firefox gives me the wrong result, while Advanced REST Client+Chrome works correctly.
The error message "p.getConfigurationUri() must not be null" is the hint. And you can find similar discussion in the below post.
Edit: OK, I've got more information about this from a different channel and now know what can be the root cause. When getting the query base URL from the services document, we need to double check whether the "&" sign has been incorrectly escaped, to "& amp ;". Two URLs are shown in the below image with the top one correct and the bottom one wrong.
If the URL with "& amp ;" is sent to the server, neither the "projectURL" nor the "vvc.configuration" parameter is recognized, hence the error in the OP.
As I see different results with different clients, I cannot be sure whether it's a server issue or client issue. In my case, RESTClient+Firefox gives me the wrong result, while Advanced REST Client+Chrome works correctly.