"Team Area" use in RQM
(I've read the user documentation).
Re. Team Areas in RQM:
Do these actually provide any restrictions so that only team members of an area, can view artifacts created within that Team Area, or can everyone (all members of the Project) still view everything regardless of which Team Area they belong to?
Do they provide any function other than "structuring"? (We are not using lab management as yet.)
Re. Team Areas in RQM:
Do these actually provide any restrictions so that only team members of an area, can view artifacts created within that Team Area, or can everyone (all members of the Project) still view everything regardless of which Team Area they belong to?
Do they provide any function other than "structuring"? (We are not using lab management as yet.)
2 answers
One area where I know they are used is to restrict access to Lab Resource groups, but you note that you are not using Lab Management yet so that is not too helpful. That does give an example of one of the very few places they are used, at any rate.
I think you're going to find much more use of Team Areas in coming releases of RQM, mostly as a means to organize access to resources.
I think you're going to find much more use of Team Areas in coming releases of RQM, mostly as a means to organize access to resources.
(I've read the user documentation).
Re. Team Areas in RQM:
Do these actually provide any restrictions so that only team members of an area, can view artifacts created within that Team Area, or can everyone (all members of the Project) still view everything regardless of which Team Area they belong to?
Do they provide any function other than "structuring"? (We are not using lab management as yet.)